Managed Disaster Recovery

Your differentiated DR

Everuz Disaster RecoveryThe importance of data backup systems and disaster recovery plans has never been more critical. Whether your business is small or large, the failure to prepare for the unexpected can have severe consequences for your business.

Everuz high availability and continuity services including alternate site disaster recovery allow your business to recover your critical cloud infrastructure in the event of a catastrophic outage to your primary location within hours.

Based on robust industry best practices and optimized to meet your unique availability requirements, our easy-to-deploy managed business continuity solutions are affordable, flexible, robust and reliable with global availability, and come standard with our managed services.


Higher service levels as well as lower RPO and RTO are achieved with an active-active data center cluster where production and non-production resources are split across geographically dispersed 2N-redundant data centers and interconnected by a layer 2 high-performance, fully-redundant private network that ensures the security, integrity, availability and performance of your systems. In addition, data mirroring is done over the WAN. Further protection is achieved as a means of a cross data center backup strategy where the backup tapes of the production systems are stored in the geographically dispersed non-production data center tape library, and vice versa.

Everuz DR
Everuz Managed Disaster Recovery Over Active-Active Data Center Cluster

What We Offer
  • Rapid Recovery: 4-hour RTO and without concern over resource contention, your dedicated DR VMs are patched and running all of the time
  • Minimal Data Loss: Continuous replication provides for 15-min RPO
  • Affordable: Achieve business continuity goals without lowering expectations with standard cloud services instead of more expensive custom options
  • Easy to Deploy: Avoid integration and management of multiple third-party solutions
  • Robust and Reliable: Our DR best practices, designs and processes are based on robust industry standards
  • Global: Network of global partner data centers allows highly customizable geographic DR solutions


Disasters are inevitable. Are you prepared for one? Failing to plan for one is unforgivable. We can help. To find out more about our differentiated managed disaster recovery and business continuity solutions that can put you at ease as your business grows, please contact us today at [email protected]. We can get you started with a no obligation needs analysis and a branded proof of concept implementation of your managed DR.

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